Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • D. Calandriello won the best master thesis award from the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence for his thesis "Sparse Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning". The association awards the prize to the best master thesis focused on AI in Italy in 2014. The thesis was written under the co-supervision of A. Lazaric during a year spent in SequeL

  • F. Guillou won the ACM RecSys challenge (on recommendation systems)

  • P. Chainais won an IBM Faculty Award for the creation of the option DAD (Data Analysis and Decision making) at Ecole Centrale Lille (10000$ have been given to EC Lille). The partnership with IBM about Big Data is getting stronger and new perspectives are coming.


  • Licence: R. Gaudel, programmation R pour statistiques et sociologie quantitative, 28h eqTD, L1, université Lille 3, France

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, projet informatique de traitement des données en SHS, 20h eqTD, L2, université Lille 3, France

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, préparation au C2i niveau 1, 24h eqTD, L1-3, université Lille 3, France

  • Master: R. Gaudel, fouille du web, 32h eqTD, M2, université Lille 3, France

  • Master: R. Gaudel, fouille de donées, 30h eqTD, M2, université Lille 3, France

  • Master: A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan, France

  • Master: A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • Master: Ph. Preux, “Modeling, Computer Science, Mathematics”, 72h eqTD, M1 pshychology/cognitive science, université Lille 3, France

  • Master: Ph. Preux, “Formal neural netwokrs”, 30h eqTD, M1 cognitive science, université Lille 3, France

  • Licence: Ph. Preux, “Supervised Learning”, 30h eqTD, L3 MIASHS, université Lille 3, France

  • EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Machine learning”, 34h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Matlab”, 16h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Image processing”, 16h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Representation and data compression”, 8h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • EC Lille (1st y.): P. Chainais, “Signal processing”, 22h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • EC Lille (2nd y.): P. Chainais, “Wavelets and applications”, 24h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • EC Lille: J. Mary, Machine Learning with R , 20h eqTD

  • Master: J. Mary, M2 ID - Univ Lille, Programmation web avancée et design pattern, 64h eqTD

  • Master: J. Mary, M1 ID - Univ Lille, Programmation web , 32h eqTD

  • Master: J. Mary, M1 ID - Univ Lille, Algorithmique avancée , 32h eqTD

  • Master: J. Mary, M1 IIES - Univ Lille, Analyse de données avec R, 32h eqTD

  • Master: J. Mary, C2i - Univ Lille, 24h eqTD

  • E-learning

    • SPOC : R. Gaudel, Marc Tommasi and Alain Preux, culture numérique S2, 8 semaines, Moodle, université Lille 3, licence (L1), formation initiale, tous les étudiants (> 7 000).


  • HDR defended: Mohammad Ghavamzadeh defended his “Habilitation à diriger les recherches” on June 12th.

  • PhD defended: Boris Baldassari defended his PhD thesis Apprentissage automatique et développement logiciel, on July 1st, advisor: Ph. Preux.

  • PhD defended: Gabriel Dulac-Arnold defended his PhD thesis A General Sequential Model for Constrained Classification, on Feb. 7th, advisor: Ph. Preux, L. Denoyer (Paris 6), P. Gallinari (Paris 6).

  • PhD defended: Victor Gabillon defended his PhD thesis “Active Learning in Classification-based Policy Iteration”, on June 12th, advisor: M. Ghavamzadeh.

  • PhD defended: Olivier Nicol defended his PhD thesis “Data-driven evaluation of Contextual Bandit algorithms and applications to Dynamic Recommendation”, on Dec. 18th, advisor: Ph. Preux, J. Mary.

  • PhD defended: Emilie Kaufmann defended her PhD thesis, “Bayesian Bandits”, advisor: R. Munos, O. Cappé, A. Garivier.

  • PhD in progress: Frédéric Guillou, “Sequential Recommender System”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: Ph. Preux, J. Mary, R. Gaudel.

  • PhD in progress: Vicenzo Musco, “Topology and evolution of software graphs”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Preux, M. Monperrus

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Hoarau, “Multi-arm Bandit Theory”, since Oct. 2012, advisor: R. Munos.

  • PhD in progress: Tomáš Kocák, “Sequential Learning with Similarities”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: R. Munos, M. Valko

  • PhD in progress: Amir Sani, “Learning under uncertainty”, Oct. 2011, since advisor: R. Munos, A. Lazaric.

  • PhD in progress: Marta Soare, “Pure Exploration in Multi-arm Bandit”, since Oct. 2012, advisor: R. Munos, A. Lazaric.

  • PhD in progress: Hong Phuong Dang, Bayesian non parametric methods for dictionary learning and inverse problems, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Chainais.

  • PhD in progress: Linh Van Nguyen, High resolution reconstruction from low resolution measurements of velocity fields in turbulent flows, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Chainais & J.P. Laval (Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille).

  • PhD in progress: Clément Elvira, “Bayesian non parametric approaches for blind hyperspectral images unmixing.", since Oct. 2014, advisor: P. Chainais & N. Dobigeon (IRIT, Toulouse).

  • PhD started: Daniele Calandriello, Efficient Sequential Learning in Structured and Constrained Environments, since Oct. 2014, advisor: M. Valko & A. Lazaric & P. Preux.

  • PhD started: Jean-Bastien Grill, Développement et analyse de mé thodes numé riques efficaces pour de l'optimisation lorsque la régularité de la fonction sous-jacente n'est pas connue à priori., since Oct. 2014, advisor: M. Valko & R. Munos

  • PhD started: Pratik Gajane, “Sequential Learning and Decision Making under Partial Monitoring”, since Oct. 2014, advisor: Philippe Preux, Tanguy Urvoy (Orange Labs)


  • A. Lazaric was part of the jury of the PhD of Mahdi Milani Fard at McGill Univiersity (supervised by J. Pineau).

  • Ph. Preux was part of the PhD defense jury of W. Wang (Université Paris-Sud, M. Martinez (Université de Lille), G. Dulac-Arnold (Université Paris 6), V. Gabillon, Boris Baldassari, and O. Nicol (all 3 from Université de Lille).

  • Ph. Preux was part of the HdR defense jury of M. Ghavamzadeh.

  • P. Chainais was part of the PhD defense jury of Raja Suleiman (supervied by David Mary) at University of Nice, dec. 2014.